Rick and Morty Breaks Down Rick and Birdperson’s Origins in Season 5’s Newest Episode

In the latest episode of Rick and Morty , a very important question looms over the Smiths: What is the origin of Birdperson? We have the answer right here.

For a brief, bizarre moment in the middle of the first season of Rick and Morty, we saw a look into the past of the titular characters: Birdperson and Rick, as children, playing together at the ruins of the Citadel of Ricks. In this scene, we see the couple running around the Citadel, pretending to be bird-people, even though Birdperson was clearly playing as a woman at the time.

In the Season 5 premiere of Rick and Morty, Rick and Birdperson shared a dance together. Birdperson was still a member of the Bird People, a long-lived race of sentient birds that is described as holding a special place in Rick and Morty’s family tree. The origins of Birdperson and the Bird People in the show are explored in the latest episode, and it turns out that the Bird People have a lot more in common with the Smith family than originally thought.. Read more about rick and morty season 5 and let us know what you think.

With Season 5’s latest episode, Rick and Morty covered a lot of territory! The fifth season of the show is approaching the conclusion of its run, with the latest episode being the eighth of the 10 episodes planned for the current season on Adult Swim. The previous episodes had been rather detached from one another, as well as the larger canon of the previous four seasons as a whole, but that all changed with the eighth episode, which begins with a very significant canonical comeback.

“Rickternal Friendshine of the Spotless Mort” is the title of Rick and Morty Season 5 Episode 8, and it starts with Rick reflecting on some of his previous choices, as it begins with the reappearance of Birdperson after Rick’s battle with him in the Season 4 finale. Like the rest of the season, this is just the beginning of the crazy episode to come, and you can get a complete breakdown of the episode below:

  • Rick chooses to remain at home alone while the rest of the Smith family goes on a cruise. As he walks into the garage, he prepared to deal with the broken Birdperson/Phoenixperson he’s kept in there since the fourth season’s conclusion. This new endeavor is dubbed “Best Friend Rejuvenation” by his computer, and although Rick isn’t like of the term, he can’t think of a better alternative.
  • He reconstructed Birdperson’s body, but it isn’t complete since Birdperson’s mind is absent. Rick recognizes Birdperson’s conscious consciousness inside his unconscious and chooses to go in and get him by connecting directly to him. Rick enters his head and goes through a bizarre scenario in which he discovers where they originally met. Rick offered him drugs during a Burning Man-style gathering.
  • He then sees the two of them on a mission in which Rick kills other Ricks in an attempt to “bring her back,” and he sees a memory of the two of them in the resistance, but his younger self (who is 35) finds his older self and realizes that he is nothing more than an amalgam of Birdperson’s memories of him. Birdperson is later seen sobbing over a recollection of a date he previously had with Tammy.
  • Rick’s younger self wants to work with him, but neither of them knows whether or not the memory Rick may be harmed or die. Outside, Rick and Birdperson’s corpses are frothing at the mouth, and Rick’s garage computer is attempting to recruit a neighboring neighbor to replace him as their buddy. Rick and his younger self argue, and Rick soon discovers Birdperson as Phoenixperson in his repressed memories.
  • He discovers Birdperson in his head, rigging a series of explosives, and he prepares to blow it all up as everything bursts and his mind starts to fracture and tear. The two Ricks then flee to the recollection of the “Fight of Blood Ridge,” which is referred to as their “Vietnam” by Rick’s younger self. It is subsequently revealed that this was a battle Rick and Birdperson fought against the Galactic Federation.
  • The fight is soon shown to be over as Rick and Birdperson work together to eliminate the remainder of the federation. Rick intended to take Birdperson away from the battle and inform him about the multiverse, but despite Rick’s assurances that he cared about his buddy, Birdperson refuses. The elder Rick explains to the younger Rick that he’s doing everything for Birdperson.
  • Birdperson, who has a recollection of Tammy, is soon discovered by the Ricks, but he refuses to leave since he and Rick both know that he and Tammy ultimately had a kid. Birdperson then chooses to live, and they go to Rick’s memory garage, where they attempt to re-enter via shared painful memories such as “Gear Dude’s burial” and Squanchy’s “stand up phase” in order to return to their recollection of the burning man festival.
  • They quickly return, but Rick, the younger memory, sacrifices himself to rescue them from Tammy, the evil memory. As the two of them return to the actual world and into their original bodies, Birdperson says farewell to his fond memories of Tammy and thanks Rick for not giving up on him. Birdperson eventually chooses to raise his child, but he asks Rick whether he would have informed him about the child if there was a possibility Birdperson might lose his sanity without it.
  • Finally, Rick’s younger recollection form vanishes into Rick’s memories, bringing the episode to a close. Birdperson and Tammy’s child is discovered to be incarcerated and aggressive in a federation jail.

What did you think of Rick and Morty’s latest episode, which delves into the origins of Rick and Birdperson? Let us know what you think in the comments section! You may also contact me directly on Twitter @Valdezology for all things animation and other fun stuff!

You know that episode of Rick and Morty that had an amazing backstory explaining the origins of two of its characters? If you asked most fans, they’d probably describe it as “not as good as some of the others”. But, personally, I found it one of the best episodes of the series to date and a highly entertaining watch. Now, thanks to a new episode from the season 5 of “Rick and Morty”, we’ve got the backstory for one of the show’s characters in full.. Read more about bird person and let us know what you think.